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Power in His Wings

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ruach hakodesh

Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing

A ministry of Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International

We are very happy to anounce the release of Power in His Wings;

Authored by Dr. Christiaan J. de Ruiter, Edited by Sister Lenita Reed

How Christianity has pushed the prayer shawl (the tallit) out of the lives of believers. How the woman with the issue of blood was healed and the revelation of our personal tabernacle instead of the prayer closet.

From the Introductionthumbnail image

There is a new revival going on which involves a hard core study of the roots of our faith, placing emphasis on the truth of the original language (Hebrew and Greek). In this revival, old walls are broken down and replacement theology or supersessionism is being destroyed. Replacement theology is nothing new, for centuries the Jewish customs and traditions have been removed from Christianity. Many misguided leaders have stated that the Christian church is the replacement for the chosen people the Jews. With this we have removed important information from the Bible, namely the understanding of the Word of God, the way that Jesus read it. Translations have been made to give better understanding which in reality took away from the truth of the word. We have been robbed of the depth of understanding of the roots of our faith due to persecutions over centuries against true believers and Jews alike.

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Cover Photo; by Vincent de Ruiter

tallit cover scaled

Limited edition cover picture with Malachi 4:2

25 Prints Only

Size 10 X 8

Style Glossy

Price $10.00

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Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International
8100 Ingrid Drive
Elgin, TX 78621

Pastor Chris

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