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Questions and Answers on EWCMI

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Questions and Answers on EWCMI

NOTE: This is a third-party-generated Questions and Answers section.

General/Common Questions

Q1: What is the vision of Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International (EWCMI)?

A1: EWCMI is dedicated to illuminating the path to the Messianic and "Back to Our Roots" movement. The ministry seeks to bridge the gap between Christianity and the Messianic movement, offering a comprehensive understanding of religious heritage while nurturing a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Q2: Who founded EWCMI and what was the inspiration behind it?

A2: Pastor Christiaan J. de Ruiter founded EWCMI after a personal journey of faith that led him to seek a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth. The ministry was born out of a desire to share these insights and provide a transformative spiritual experience that blends charismatic spirituality with Jewish traditions and customs.

Q3: What stance does EWCMI take on political correctness in religious discourse?

A3: EWCMI takes an a-political stance, unafraid of political incorrectness, believing that the pursuit of truth and a genuine spiritual experience must transcend societal expectations. This approach allows for a deeper exploration of faith without the constraints of political correctness.

Q4: How does EWCMI approach the connection between the Old and New Testaments?

A4: EWCMI emphasizes the intricate connections between the Old and New Testaments, particularly how the Messianic prophecies are fulfilled in the New Testament. The ministry encourages understanding these connections as a way to deepen one's faith and grasp the continuity of God's plan through Yeshua. Eliminating the thought of 2 testaments but viewing it as 1, the word of God.

Q5: What resources does EWCMI offer for those interested in the Messianic movement and the Jewish roots of Christianity?

A5: The ministry provides a wealth of resources, including articles, sermons, and teachings that delve into various aspects of the Messianic faith and the significance of Jewish roots in Christianity. These resources are designed to cater to individuals at all stages of their spiritual journey.

Q6: Can individuals participate in gatherings or spiritual encounters through EWCMI?

A6: No, EWCMI does not offer common gatherings, however they do have random recording session which can be attended, blending charismatic worship with Messianic teachings, providing opportunities for attendees to experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and engage with like-minded believers.

Q7: How can one support or get involved with EWCMI?

A7: Individuals can support EWCMI through donations, volunteering, and participating in their programming and gatherings. The ministry's website provides information on how to get involved and contribute to their mission.

Q8: What is EWCMI's view on the role of grace in the Christian life?

A8: Grace is seen as the unmerited favor of God, essential for salvation and empowering believers to live a life pleasing to God.

Q9: How does EWCMI interpret the concept of Christian liberty?

A9: Christian liberty is understood as freedom from the bondage of sin and legalism, balanced with responsibility and love towards others.


Q10: What is the EWCMI stance on the use of spiritual gifts within the church?

A10: Spiritual gifts are considered vital for the edification of the church, with each believer encouraged to discover and use their gifts under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Q11: How does EWCMI approach the topic of divine healing?

A11: Divine healing is acknowledged as part of Christ's atoning work, available through prayer and faith, while also recognizing the role of medical science.


Q12: What importance does EWCMI place on the unity of the church?

A12: Church unity is highly valued, seen as a testament to the truth of the Gospel, with an emphasis on reconciliation, love, and cooperation among believers.


Q13: How does EWCMI view the relationship between faith and science?

A13: Faith and science are seen as complementary, with science understood as exploring God's creation, and faith providing the moral and spiritual framework.


Q14: What is the EWCMI teaching on the nature of God?

A14: God is understood as eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, perfectly holy, just, loving, and merciful.


Q15: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical teaching on the end of times?

A15: The end times are seen as a period of both challenge and hope, with believers encouraged to be vigilant, faithful, and engaged in spreading the Gospel.


Q16: What stance does EWCMI take on Christian education and discipleship?

A16: Christian education and discipleship are crucial, aimed at deepening faith, understanding Scripture, and equipping believers for service.


Q17: How does EWCMI approach the issue of church governance and leadership?

A17: Church governance is viewed as a stewardship, with leaders serving humbly, guided by biblical principles, and accountable to God and the congregation.


Q18: What is the EWCMI perspective on the role of worship in the church?

A18: Worship is central to church life, seen as a response to God's greatness, involving praise, prayer, preaching, and sacraments.


Q19: How does EWCMI interpret the relationship between Christians and government?

A19: Christians are encouraged to respect and pray for government authorities, while advocating for justice, peace, and godly values in society.


Q20: What is the EWCMI stance on the issue of poverty and social justice?

A20: Addressing poverty and promoting social justice are seen as integral to the Gospel, with believers called to show compassion and take action.


Q21: How does EWCMI view the role of family in Christian life?

A21: The family is considered a foundational institution, with emphasis on biblical values, nurturing faith, and fostering healthy relationships.


Q22: What importance does EWCMI place on the concept of personal holiness?

A22: Personal holiness is highly valued, seen as a pursuit of godly character, moral integrity, and living in obedience to God's will.

Theology and Doctrine

Q1: What is the core belief of EWCMI regarding the nature of Jesus (Yeshua)?

A1: EWCMI believes in the Messianic prophecies' fulfillment in Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, acknowledging Him as the bridge between Jewish traditions and Christian faith.

Q2: How does EWCMI view the relationship between the Old and New Testaments?

A2: The ministry sees the Old and New Testaments as intricately connected, with the Old Testament prophecies finding fulfillment in the New Testament through Jesus Christ.

Q3: What is the primary focus of the "Back to our Roots" movement in Christian theology?

A3: The "Back to our Roots" movement emphasizes returning to the original teachings and practices of early Christianity, focusing on a deeper understanding of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.

Q4: How does EWCMI interpret the relationship between the Old and New Testaments?

A4: EWCMI views the Old and New Testaments as complementary, with the Old Testament laying the foundation for the New Testament's fulfillment of prophecy and teachings.

Q5: What role does prophecy play in EWCMI's theological framework?

A5: Prophecy is seen as a vital component, providing insight into God's plan and the fulfillment of His promises through historical events and the life of Jesus Christ.

Q6: How does EWCMI approach the concept of the Trinity?

A6: EWCMI upholds the doctrine of the Trinity, emphasizing the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three distinct persons in one Godhead.

Q7: What is the significance of baptism in EWCMI's teachings?

A7: Baptism is viewed as an important act of obedience, symbolizing a believer's faith in Christ, repentance from sin, and rebirth into a new life.

Q8: How does EWCMI interpret the concept of salvation?

A8: Salvation is understood as a gift from God, attainable through faith in Jesus Christ, His death, and resurrection, leading to eternal life.

Q9: What is the EWCMI stance on the authority of Scripture?

A9: EWCMI holds that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, serving as the ultimate guide for faith and practice.

Q10: How does EWCMI view the relationship between faith and works?

A10: While salvation is through faith alone, good works are seen as a natural and necessary expression of a living faith and obedience to God.

Q11: What importance does EWCMI place on the community and fellowship within the church?

A11: Community and fellowship are central, fostering spiritual growth, mutual support, and the collective worship and service to God.

Q12: How does EWCMI approach the topic of end times and eschatology?

A12: EWCMI teaches that the end times will be marked by significant events prophesied in Scripture, emphasizing preparedness and a focus on living a godly life.

Messianic Movement

Q3: What does the "Back to Our Roots" movement mean to EWCMI?

A3: It signifies a return to the original Jewish context of the Christian faith, embracing the Jewish festivals, feasts, and traditions to enrich the understanding of Christianity.

Q4: How does EWCMI practice the teachings of the Messianic movement?

A4: Through teachings, sermons, and worship that incorporate both charismatic Christian and traditional Jewish elements.

Worship and Practices

Q1: What kind of worship experience does EWCMI offer?

A1: EWCMI provides a charismatic worship experience that includes elements of Jewish traditions, aiming for a heartfelt and spirit-filled atmosphere.

Q2: Does EWCMI observe Jewish festivals and feasts?

A2: Yes, the ministry observes Jewish festivals and feasts, integrating them into their worship to understand the spiritual meanings behind these ancient practices.
Community and Engagement

Q3: How can one get involved with EWCMI?

A3: Individuals can get involved through donations, volunteering, attending gatherings, and participating in various ministry programs.

Q4: Does EWCMI have a physical location for worship and gatherings?

A4: See Q6 in the common section


Q5: How does EWCMI view the relationship between Christian faith and cultural engagement?

A5: EWCMI advocates for engaging culture with a Christian worldview, influencing society positively while upholding biblical values and truths.


Q6: What is the EWCMI stance on the role of music in worship and spiritual life?

A6: Music is seen as a powerful medium for worship, encouraging spiritual reflection, expression of faith, and fostering a sense of community.


Q7: How does EWCMI approach the topic of Christian leadership and servanthood?

A7: Christian leadership is equated with servanthood, emphasizing humility, service to others, and following the example of Jesus Christ.


Q8: What importance does EWCMI place on the concept of the 'priesthood of all believers'?

A8: The 'priesthood of all believers' is a key concept, affirming that every Christian has direct access to God and a role in the church's ministry.


Q9: How does EWCMI interpret the relationship between faith and emotional well-being?

A9: Emotional well-being is seen as intertwined with spiritual health, with faith providing a foundation for coping with life's challenges and finding peace.


Q10: What is the EWCMI perspective on the use of spiritual disciplines (e.g., meditation, solitude)?

A10: Spiritual disciplines are encouraged as means to deepen one's relationship with God, enhance spiritual growth, and foster personal transformation.


Q11: How does EWCMI view the concept of Christian witness in a secular world?

A11: Christian witness in a secular world is seen as essential, involving living out one's faith authentically and sharing the Gospel through words and actions.


Q12: What stance does EWCMI take on the reconciliation between science and faith?

A12: EWCMI advocates for a harmonious relationship between science and faith, seeing them as complementary ways of understanding God's creation.


Q13: How does EWCMI approach the issue of global missions and evangelism?

A13: Global missions are a core focus, with a commitment to spreading the Gospel worldwide and supporting mission efforts through prayer, funding, and participation.


Q14: What importance does EWCMI place on the historical context of biblical texts?

A14: Understanding the historical context of biblical texts is crucial for accurate interpretation, helping to discern the original intent and contemporary application.


Q15: How does EWCMI view the role of confession and forgiveness in Christian life?

A15: Confession and forgiveness are central to Christian life, promoting reconciliation with God and others, and fostering spiritual and relational healing.


Q16: What is the EWCMI perspective on the balance between faith and reason?

A16: Faith and reason are viewed as compatible, with reason supporting and deepening understanding of faith, and faith providing the ultimate context for reason.


Q17: How does EWCMI approach the topic of Christian ethics and moral decision-making?

A17: Christian ethics are grounded in Scripture, with moral decision-making guided by biblical principles, prayer, and the discernment of the Holy Spirit.


Q18: What importance does EWCMI place on the role of the church in community service?

A18: Community service is seen as a natural outflow of the church's mission, demonstrating Christ's love through practical help and social engagement.


Q19: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical teaching on peace and reconciliation?

A19: Peace and reconciliation are core gospel values, with believers called to be peacemakers and agents of reconciliation in a divided world.

Educational Resources

Q9: What educational materials does EWCMI provide?

A9: EWCMI offers articles, sermons, and teachings on their website, covering various topics related to the Messianic movement and Christian theology.

Q10: Are there any courses or structured learning opportunities available through EWCMI?

A10: While the website mentions resources like articles and sermons, it does not specify structured courses. Interested individuals should inquire directly with the ministry for such opportunities.

Leadership and Founders

Q11: Who leads EWCMI?

A11: Pastor Christiaan J. de Ruiter is the founder and leads the ministry, providing guidance and teachings.

Q12: Can one request personal guidance or counseling from the EWCMI leadership?

A12: The ministry has a pastoral team, and for personal guidance or counseling, one needs to reach out to them through the contact information provided on the website.

Questions and Answers on Politics and the Bible

Q1: How does EWCMI view the role of Christians in political engagement?

A1: EWCMI advocates for active Christian engagement in politics, emphasizing the importance of influencing public policy in accordance with biblical values and principles.

Q2: What is the EWCMI stance on the separation of church and state?

A2: EWCMI recognizes the separation of church and state as a means to protect religious freedom, while also encouraging Christians to influence the state for moral and ethical governance.

Q3: How does EWCMI interpret biblical teachings regarding obedience to governmental authorities?

A3: Biblical teachings on obedience to governmental authorities are seen as a call to respect and pray for leaders, while also advocating for justice and righteousness in civic matters.

Q4: What role does EWCMI believe the church should play in social and political activism?

A4: EWCMI sees the church's role in social and political activism as integral to its mission, advocating for policies and practices that reflect God's justice, compassion, and care for creation.

Q5: How does EWCMI approach the topic of biblical justice in the context of contemporary political issues?

A5: Biblical justice is a key focus, with EWCMI encouraging engagement in contemporary political issues that align with the pursuit of justice, equity, and care for the marginalized.

Q6: What is the EWCMI perspective on Christian involvement in party politics?

A6: Christian involvement in party politics is viewed as an opportunity to bring biblical values into the political discourse, while maintaining a primary allegiance to God's kingdom over any political party.

Q7: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical principles of leadership in the context of political leadership?

A7: Biblical principles of leadership, such as servant leadership, integrity, and humility, are promoted as ideals for political leadership, influencing how Christians evaluate and choose leaders.

Q8: What importance does EWCMI place on prayer for political leaders and nations?

A8: Prayer for political leaders and nations is highly emphasized, seen as a Christian duty to seek divine guidance, wisdom, and peace for those in authority and the countries they govern.

Q9: How does EWCMI view the relationship between Christian ethics and political policies?

A9: Christian ethics are considered foundational in shaping political policies, advocating for laws and practices that uphold the sanctity of life, justice, and moral integrity.

Q10: What stance does EWCMI take on the issue of religious freedom and its protection in politics?

A10: The protection of religious freedom is a central concern, with EWCMI advocating for policies that ensure the free exercise of faith for all individuals and communities.

Q11: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical call to be 'salt and light' in the political arena?

A11: Being 'salt and light' in the political arena involves influencing society with the flavor of the Gospel and illuminating public life with biblical truth and ethical standards.

Q12: What is the EWCMI perspective on the balance between prophetic critique and support of government?

A12: EWCMI encourages a balance between prophetic critique of unjust policies and support of government efforts that align with biblical values, maintaining a stance of constructive engagement.

Q13: How does EWCMI approach the topic of nationalism and patriotism from a biblical viewpoint?

A13: Nationalism and patriotism are approached with discernment, promoting a healthy love for one's country while avoiding idolatry of the nation and aligning first and foremost with God's kingdom.

Q14: What importance does EWCMI place on the concept of peace and diplomacy in international politics?

A14: Peace and diplomacy in international politics are highly valued, with advocacy for peaceful resolutions to conflicts and the promotion of global cooperation and understanding.

Q15: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical teachings on justice and mercy in the context of law and governance?

A15: Biblical teachings on justice and mercy are seen as essential guides for law and governance, calling for systems that are fair, compassionate, and reflective of God's character.

Q16: How does EWCMI interpret the concept of salvation?

A16: EWCMI likely holds a view consistent with charismatic Christian theology, emphasizing personal faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit as key to salvation.

Q17: What is the ministry's stance on the authority of Scripture?

A17: The ministry upholds the Bible as the authoritative word of God, guiding all aspects of faith, practice, and doctrine.

Messianic Teachings

Q3: How does EWCMI define the term 'Messianic'?

A3: 'Messianic' refers to the belief in Jesus as the Messiah who fulfills the prophecies of the Old Testament, and the ministry likely emphasizes the Jewish context of His life and teachings.

Q4: Does EWCMI support the idea of Christians practicing Jewish customs?

A4: Yes, EWCMI encourages the practice of Jewish customs within a Christian context to enrich the understanding of biblical teachings and the life of Jesus.

Q5: How does EWCMI interpret the role of prayer in a believer's life?


A5: Prayer is seen as a vital communication with God, a means of worship, supplication, and intercession, strengthening the believer's relationship with God


Q6: What is the EWCMI perspective on the role of the Holy Spirit in Christian life?

A6: The Holy Spirit is viewed as a guide, comforter, and empowerer of believers, actively involved in spiritual gifts, guidance, and personal transformation.

Q7: How does EWCMI approach the interpretation of biblical miracles?

A7: Miracles are understood as historical and factual events demonstrating God's power and authority, and they continue to be relevant and possible in the present day.

Q8: What is the significance of the Lord's Supper in EWCMI's practice?


A8: The Lord's Supper is a sacrament commemorating Jesus' sacrifice, encouraging believers to reflect on His death, resurrection, and the promise of His return.


Q9: How does EWCMI view the relationship between church tradition and Scripture?


A9: While respecting church tradition, EWCMI holds Scripture as the highest authority, with traditions evaluated and upheld insofar as they align with biblical teachings.


Q10: What stance does EWCMI take on the issue of sin and redemption?


A10: Sin is seen as a fundamental human problem, separating individuals from God, with redemption available exclusively through Jesus Christ's atoning sacrifice.


Q11: How does EWCMI interpret the concept of the Kingdom of God?

A11: The Kingdom of God is understood as both a present reality and a future hope, where God's will is done and believers are called to live in accordance with its values.

Q12: What is the EWCMI teaching on the role of the church in society?

A12: The church is viewed as a transformative agent in society, called to spread the Gospel, uphold biblical values, and engage in acts of service and love.

Q13: How does EWCMI approach the topic of spiritual warfare?

A13: Spiritual warfare is recognized as a reality, with believers equipped through prayer, the Word of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit to stand against spiritual forces.

Q14: What importance does EWCMI place on the study of church history?

A14: Church history is valued for understanding the development of Christian doctrine, learning from past mistakes, and recognizing God's faithfulness throughout the ages.

Q15: How does EWCMI view the role of prophecy in contemporary times?


A15: Prophecy is considered an ongoing gift, providing edification, encouragement, and guidance, while being tested against the authority of Scripture.


Q16: What is the EWCMI perspective on Christian stewardship and giving?


A16: Stewardship is seen as a responsibility to manage God's gifts wisely, including time, talents, and resources, with giving as an act of worship and trust in God.


Q17: How does EWCMI interpret the role of evangelism in the life of a believer?


A17: Evangelism is a central duty of every believer, sharing the Gospel through words and actions, and making disciples as commanded by Jesus.


Q18: What stance does EWCMI take on the integration of faith and daily living?


A18: Faith is viewed as encompassing all aspects of life, guiding decisions, behavior, and interactions, reflecting a commitment to living according to God's will.


Q19: How does EWCMI approach the understanding of biblical covenants?


A19: Biblical covenants are seen as key to understanding God's relationship with humanity, each covenant building upon the previous, culminating in the New Covenant through Christ.


Worship and Liturgy


Q17: Does EWCMI incorporate traditional Jewish prayers in their worship?


A17: While not explicitly stated, it is likely that EWCMI incorporates some form of traditional Jewish prayers or elements thereof, given their focus on the Jewish roots of Christianity.


Q18: What role does music play in EWCMI's worship services?


A18: Music is an integral part of worship at EWCMI, with a blend of contemporary Christian and Messianic styles to create a worshipful atmosphere.
Community Life


Q19: Does EWCMI have a program for children's spiritual education?


A19: Specific programs for children are not mentioned on the website, but ministries of this nature often have some form of children's spiritual education, which would typically be confirmed by direct inquiry.


Q20: How does EWCMI address community service and outreach?


A20: Community service and outreach are likely important aspects of EWCMI's mission, though specific programs or initiatives would need to be detailed by the ministry.
Educational Offerings


Q21: Are there study groups or Bible studies available through EWCMI?


A21: Given the ministry's educational focus, it is probable that they offer study groups or Bible studies, but one would need to check with EWCMI for schedules and formats.


Q22: Does EWCMI offer any resources for learning Hebrew or biblical languages?


A22: While not specified, a ministry focused on Jewish roots may offer resources or recommendations for learning Hebrew or other biblical languages.


Leadership Insights


Q1: What qualifications do the leaders of EWCMI have?


A1: Leaders, including Pastor Christiaan J. de Ruiter, likely have theological education and experience in ministry, particularly within the charismatic and Messianic movements.


Q2: How can one receive mentorship from EWCMI leaders?


A2: Mentorship would typically be arranged through personal contact with the ministry, and they may offer structured mentorship programs for individuals seeking spiritual growth.


Q3: How does EWCMI interpret the role of fasting in spiritual life?


A3: Fasting is viewed as a spiritual discipline, enhancing prayer and devotion, and providing opportunities for reflection and drawing closer to God.


Q4: What is the EWCMI perspective on the relationship between Christians and the environment?


A4: Christians are seen as stewards of God's creation, responsible for caring for the environment and promoting sustainable practices.


Q5: How does EWCMI approach the concept of the sovereignty of God?


A5: God's sovereignty is understood as His supreme power and authority over all creation, guiding and determining all events according to His will.


Q6: What is the EWCMI stance on the interpretation of biblical prophecy?


A6: Biblical prophecy is interpreted in light of its historical context and the whole of Scripture, with a focus on its fulfillment in Christ and end-times events.


Q7: How does EWCMI view the role of the arts in worship and ministry?


A7: The arts are valued as a means of expressing worship to God and conveying spiritual truth, with creativity seen as a reflection of God's image.


Q8: What importance does EWCMI place on the concept of repentance?


A8: Repentance is essential for salvation, involving a heartfelt turning away from sin and turning towards God, evidenced by a change in behavior.


Q9: How does EWCMI interpret the role of angels and demons in the spiritual realm?


A9: Angels are seen as messengers and servants of God, while demons are fallen angels opposing God's work, with spiritual warfare involving these spiritual beings.


Q10: What is the EWCMI perspective on the balance between tradition and innovation in church practices?


A10: While valuing tradition, EWCMI also embraces innovation that aligns with biblical principles and effectively communicates the Gospel to contemporary society.


Q11: How does EWCMI approach the issue of religious pluralism and other faiths?


A11: EWCMI upholds the uniqueness of Christianity while advocating respect and dialogue with other faiths, emphasizing Jesus Christ as the only way to God.


Q12: What stance does EWCMI take on the use of technology in ministry?


A12: Technology is viewed as a valuable tool for ministry, enhancing communication, outreach, and educational efforts, while being used responsibly and ethically.


Q13: How does EWCMI view the concept of Christian accountability?


A13: Christian accountability is important for spiritual growth, involving mutual encouragement, correction, and support among believers.


Q14: What is the EWCMI perspective on the relationship between faith and mental health?


A14: Faith is seen as integral to overall well-being, with spiritual practices contributing to mental health, alongside the recognition of the value of professional counseling.


Q15: How does EWCMI approach the topic of spiritual maturity?


A15: Spiritual maturity involves growing in knowledge and practice of the faith, developing Christ-like character, and deepening one's relationship with God.


Q16: What importance does EWCMI place on the role of prayer in social and political issues?


A16: Prayer is considered vital in addressing social and political issues, seeking God's wisdom, intervention, and guidance for just and godly solutions.

Q17: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical teaching on stewardship of finances?

A17: Financial stewardship involves managing resources wisely and generously, with a focus on supporting the work of the church and helping those in need.

Theological Foundations

Q25: How does EWCMI view the Trinity?

A25: EWCMI, aligning with charismatic Christian beliefs, likely holds a Trinitarian view, acknowledging God as three persons in one essence: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Q26: What is the significance of baptism in EWCMI's teachings?

A26: Baptism is typically seen as an outward expression of an inward faith, symbolizing the believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Messianic Integration

Q27: How does EWCMI celebrate Passover?

A27: EWCMI likely observes Passover in a way that highlights its fulfillment in Jesus' last supper, death, and resurrection, integrating the Jewish tradition with its Christian significance.

Q28: What is the role of the Torah in EWCMI's teachings?

A28: The Torah is revered as God's Law, instructive for moral living, and foundational to understanding the entirety of Scripture, including the teachings of Jesus.

Worship Experience

Q29: Are there specific days EWCMI gathers for worship?

A29: EWCMI likely gathers on Sundays for Christian worship and may also observe the Saturday Sabbath in alignment with Jewish tradition.

Q30: How does EWCMI approach prayer and intercession?

A30: Prayer and intercession are central to EWCMI's practices, likely involving communal and individual prayers, emphasizing the work of the Holy Spirit.

Community Dynamics

Q31: Does EWCMI offer marriage counseling and family services?

A31: Many ministries provide counseling services; EWCMI likely offers some form of marriage and family counseling in line with their pastoral care.

Q32: What outreach programs does EWCMI have for the local community?

A32: Specific outreach programs are not detailed on the website, but EWCMI may engage in community service, evangelism, and support for local needs.

Educational Resources

Q33: Does EWCMI publish any theological writings or books?

A33: Pastor Christiaan J. de Ruiter, as an author, contributes to the ministry's educational resources with theological writings and books.

Q34: Are there discipleship programs available for new believers at EWCMI?

A34: Discipleship is a key part of most ministries, and EWCMI has a program to guide new believers in their spiritual growth and understanding of the faith.

Questions and Answers on the Ministries of EWCMI

Q1: What are the primary ministries of EWCMI?

A1: EWCMI focuses on various ministries including pastoral care, teaching, worship, global missions, online ministry, and community outreach, each dedicated to spreading the Gospel and serving the community.

Q2: How does EWCMI's pastoral ministry approach individual and family counseling?

A2: The pastoral ministry provides individual and family counseling with a focus on biblical principles, offering spiritual guidance, emotional support, and practical advice for life's challenges.

Q3: What is the role of teaching in EWCMI's ministry, and what methods are used?

A3: Teaching is central to EWCMI's ministry, focusing on deepening understanding of the Bible and Christian living. Methods include sermons, Bible studies, online resources, and educational programs.

Q4: How does EWCMI incorporate worship in its ministry activities?

A4: Worship in EWCMI is a dynamic and integral part of ministry, involving music, prayer, and preaching, aimed at glorifying God and fostering a deep, personal connection with Him.

Q5: What is the focus of EWCMI's global missions ministry?

A5: The global missions ministry is committed to spreading the Gospel internationally, supporting missionaries, engaging in humanitarian aid, and establishing church partnerships worldwide.

Q6: How does EWCMI's online ministry extend its reach and impact?

A6: EWCMI's online ministry extends its reach through digital platforms, offering sermons, teachings, podcasts, and interactive forums, making spiritual resources accessible globally.

Q7: What community outreach programs does EWCMI offer?

A7: EWCMI's community outreach includes programs like food distribution, support for the needy, educational initiatives, and local evangelism, aiming to meet physical and spiritual needs.

Q8: How does EWCMI engage with youth and young adults in its ministry?

A8: EWCMI engages youth and young adults through tailored programs that include mentorship, biblical teaching, fellowship activities, and opportunities for service and leadership development.

Q9: What role does prayer play in EWCMI's various ministries?

A9: Prayer is foundational in all EWCMI ministries, guiding decision-making, empowering activities, and seeking God's presence and direction in all endeavors.

Q10: How does EWCMI's ministry address social and cultural issues from a biblical perspective?

A10: EWCMI addresses social and cultural issues by applying biblical principles, offering guidance and teaching that encourage a Christ-centered approach to contemporary challenges.

Q11: What is the approach of EWCMI towards ecumenical and interfaith relations?

A11: EWCMI approaches ecumenical and interfaith relations with a spirit of respect and cooperation, while firmly upholding its doctrinal beliefs and the centrality of Christ in all dialogues.

Q12: How does EWCMI support the spiritual growth and development of its members?

A12: EWCMI supports spiritual growth through discipleship programs, personal mentoring, regular worship services, and providing resources for individual and group study.

Q13: What is the vision of EWCMI for its future ministry and outreach?

A13: EWCMI's vision for the future includes expanding its global missions, enhancing online ministry, deepening community impact, and fostering spiritual revival within and beyond its congregation.

Q14: How does EWCMI integrate music and arts into its ministry?

A14: Music and arts are integrated as expressive and impactful elements of worship and teaching, used to inspire, educate, and bring the community together in celebration of faith.

Q15: What initiatives does EWCMI have for leadership training and development?

A15: EWCMI offers leadership training and development through workshops, mentorship programs, and opportunities for emerging leaders to engage in ministry activities and projects.

Q16: How does EWCMI's ministry address the needs of the elderly and homebound?

A16: The ministry provides support to the elderly and homebound through visitation programs, pastoral care, and ensuring they have access to church services and resources.

Q17: What is the role of media and technology in EWCMI's ministry strategy?

A17: Media and technology play a significant role in EWCMI's strategy, used for broadcasting services, disseminating teachings, and enhancing the accessibility and reach of the ministry.

Q18: How does EWCMI engage in evangelism and outreach within its local community?

A18: EWCMI engages in local evangelism and outreach through community events, personal witnessing, social service programs, and partnerships with other local organizations.

Q19: What support does EWCMI provide for international missions and missionaries?

A19: EWCMI supports international missions by funding, prayer support, sending short-term mission teams, and partnering with local churches and organizations in mission fields.

Q20: How does EWCMI address the integration of faith into everyday work and professional life?

A20: EWCMI encourages the integration of faith into professional life by teaching biblical principles for work, ethics, and witness, and providing support and guidance for workplace challenges.

Q21: How does one become a leader within EWCMI?

A21: Leadership roles within EWCMI require a combination of theological education, mentorship, and demonstrated commitment to the ministry's vision and values.

Q22: Can leaders from EWCMI be invited to speak at external events?

A22: pastor Chris is available to speak at external events, and EWCMI's leaders may be available for speaking engagements upon request.

Kosher and Healthy Living

Q1: How does EWCMI view the biblical directives on kosher living?

A1: EWCMI views kosher living as not only a dietary law from the Old Testament but also as a holistic approach to living a life that is clean, healthy, and in accordance with God's instructions.

Q2: What is the significance of kosher dietary laws in the context of EWCMI's teachings?

A2: Kosher dietary laws are seen as a means of honoring God through obedience, promoting physical health, and maintaining a spiritual connection to the heritage of the faith.

Q3: How does EWCMI interpret the New Testament teachings on food and dietary practices?

A3: While the New Testament provides greater flexibility in dietary practices, EWCMI emphasizes the importance of discernment, gratitude, and the spiritual symbolism behind food choices.

Q4: What role does health and wellness play in the life of a believer, according to EWCMI?

A4: Health and wellness are viewed as integral to a believer's life, enabling them to serve God effectively and live out their faith in a physically capable manner.

Q5: How does EWCMI approach the topic of modern dietary habits in light of biblical teachings?

A5: Modern dietary habits are examined through the lens of biblical teachings, advocating for moderation, balance, and making choices that honor the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Q6: What is the EWCMI perspective on the relationship between physical health and spiritual well-being?

A6: Physical health and spiritual well-being are seen as interconnected, with each influencing and supporting the other in a believer's journey of faith.

Q7: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical references to clean and unclean foods?

A7: Biblical references to clean and unclean foods are understood as part of God's guidance for healthy living, with spiritual implications and historical context considered.

Q8: What importance does EWCMI place on the practice of fasting and its impact on health?

A8: Fasting is valued not only for its spiritual benefits but also for its potential health benefits, such as detoxification and mental clarity, when practiced responsibly.

Q9: How does EWCMI view the use of natural remedies and traditional medicine in light of Scripture?

A9: Natural remedies and traditional medicine are seen as gifts from God, to be used wisely and in harmony with modern medical practices, always considering the guidance of Scripture.

Q10: What stance does EWCMI take on the consumption of alcohol and other substances?

A10: The consumption of alcohol and other substances is approached with caution, advocating for moderation and avoidance of any behavior that leads to addiction or impairs judgment.

Q11: How does EWCMI interpret the role of diet and nutrition in maintaining a godly lifestyle?

A11: Diet and nutrition are considered essential components of a godly lifestyle, reflecting stewardship of the body and a commitment to living according to God's design.

Q12: What is the EWCMI perspective on the balance between physical exercise and spiritual disciplines?

A12: Physical exercise and spiritual disciplines are both valued, with physical fitness seen as supporting spiritual vitality and overall effectiveness in ministry and daily life.

Q13: How does EWCMI approach the topic of body image and self-esteem from a biblical viewpoint?

A13: Body image and self-esteem are addressed from a biblical viewpoint, emphasizing the inherent worth of each individual as created in the image of God and the importance of viewing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Q14: What importance does EWCMI place on the concept of holistic health, including mental, physical, and spiritual aspects?

A14: Holistic health is highly valued, recognizing the interconnection of mental, physical, and spiritual health in achieving overall well-being and fulfilling one's purpose in God's plan.

Q15: How does EWCMI interpret the biblical injunctions regarding cleanliness and hygiene?

A15: Biblical injunctions regarding cleanliness and hygiene are seen as practical guidelines for health and as symbolic of spiritual purity, encouraging believers to maintain both physical and spiritual cleanliness.

Questions and Answers on EagleWings Online Radio and Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing

Q1: What is the mission and vision of EagleWings Online Radio?

A1: EagleWings Online Radio aims to spread the Gospel and uplift listeners through a variety of Christian music, teachings, and programs that cater to a diverse audience, fostering spiritual growth and community.

Q2: How does EagleWings Online Radio select its content and music?

A2: Content and music on EagleWings Online Radio are carefully selected to align with biblical values, cater to diverse tastes, and provide a mix of worship, education, and inspiration.

Q3: What role does EagleWings Online Radio play in EWCMI's overall ministry?

A3: EagleWings Online Radio serves as a key tool in EWCMI's ministry, extending its reach globally, providing continuous Christian content, and connecting the EWCMI community.

Q4: How does EagleWings Online Radio engage with its listeners and the wider community?

A4: The radio engages with listeners through interactive segments, listener requests, social media, and community events, fostering a sense of belonging and active participation.

Q5: What types of programs and shows are featured on EagleWings Online Radio?

A5: The radio features a variety of programs including worship music, Bible teachings, talk shows on Christian living, testimonies, and special segments for children and youth.

Q6: How does Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing support the mission of EWCMI?

A6: Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing supports EWCMI's mission by producing and distributing Christian literature, educational materials, and resources that align with the ministry's teachings and values.

Q7: What types of publications are produced by Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing?

A7: The publishing arm produces a range of materials including theological books, devotionals, study guides, children's literature, and materials for Christian education and discipleship.

Q8: How does Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing ensure the quality and doctrinal integrity of its publications?

A8: Quality and doctrinal integrity are ensured through a rigorous editorial process, involving theological review, adherence to biblical principles, and collaboration with knowledgeable authors and scholars.

Q9 What is the distribution strategy for the materials published by Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing?

A9: Distribution involves both physical and digital channels, leveraging online platforms, church networks, bookstores, and events to reach a wide and varied audience.

Q10: How does Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing engage with authors and content creators?

A10: The publishing house collaborates with authors and content creators who share the ministry's vision, offering support in manuscript development, editing, and marketing.

Q11: What role do EagleWings Online Radio and Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing play in evangelism and outreach?

A11: Both the radio and publishing arms play significant roles in evangelism and outreach, using media and literature to spread the Gospel and engage with both believers and seekers.

Q12: How does EagleWings Online Radio incorporate listener feedback and interaction?

A12: Listener feedback and interaction are incorporated through live call-ins, social media engagement, surveys, and dedicating segments to address listener questions and topics.

Q13: What initiatives does Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing have for emerging Christian writers?

A13: Initiatives for emerging writers include writing workshops, mentorship programs, and opportunities for publication, encouraging new voices in Christian literature.

Q14: How does EagleWings Online Radio support and promote Christian artists and musicians?

A14: The radio supports and promotes Christian artists by featuring their music, conducting interviews, and providing a platform for new and established talents to reach a broader audience.

Q15: What is the approach of Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing towards digital and multimedia publications?

A15: The approach towards digital and multimedia publications involves embracing modern formats like e-books, audiobooks, and online resources, making content accessible and engaging for a digital audience.

Q16: How does EagleWings Online Radio address diverse theological perspectives within Christianity?

A16: The radio addresses diverse theological perspectives by featuring a range of programs and speakers that reflect the broad spectrum of Christian thought, while adhering to core biblical truths.

Q17: What strategies does Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing use to stay relevant in the changing landscape of Christian publishing?

A17: Staying relevant involves adapting to new technologies, exploring current topics and trends in Christian thought, and continually seeking ways to engage a modern audience effectively.

Q18: How does EagleWings Online Radio balance entertainment with spiritual edification?

A18: The balance is achieved by offering a mix of music, entertainment, and educational content, all aimed at uplifting the spirit and providing meaningful engagement with the faith.

Q19: What is the process for selecting and vetting authors and content for Ruach Ha'Kodesh Publishing?

A19: Selection and vetting involve assessing the theological soundness, writing quality, and alignment with EWCMI's values, ensuring that all content contributes positively to the ministry's mission.

Q20: How does EagleWings Online Radio measure its impact and effectiveness in ministry?

A20: The impact is measured through listener feedback, audience analytics, engagement metrics, and the tangible influence seen in the lives of listeners and the wider community.

Q: Music Styles Presented on EagleWings Online Radio

Contemporary Christian Music (CCM): Popular modern Christian music that spans various sub-genres like pop, rock, and hip-hop, appealing to a broad, contemporary audience.

Worship and Praise Music: Songs focused on worship and praise, often used in church services, including both modern worship songs and traditional hymns.

Gospel Music: Encompassing traditional and contemporary gospel music, characterized by its powerful vocals and spiritual messages.

Christian Country Music: A blend of country music styles with Christian themes, appealing to listeners who enjoy country and southern gospel.

Christian Rock and Alternative: Christian-themed rock music, ranging from soft rock to more edgy alternative sounds, catering to a younger or more diverse audience.

Inspirational Music: Soft and soothing music intended to inspire and bring peace, including instrumental and vocal pieces.

Messianic Music: Music that combines Christian themes with traditional Jewish styles and Hebrew lyrics, reflecting the Jewish roots of Christianity.

International Christian Music: Featuring Christian music from around the world, highlighting different cultures and languages.

Q1: What does the EagleWings Online Radio logo symbolize?

A1: The EagleWings Online Radio logo is rich in symbolism. The circular form represents unity, continuity, and global outreach. Radiant beams symbolize the Holy Spirit's enlightening power and the diversity of musical styles and languages. The colors blue, gold, and orange represent the divine royalty of Jesus Christ, His purity, and the fiery essence of the Holy Spirit. The eagle's wings signify the expansive distribution of God's Word and His protection, while the microphone invites ministries and artists to spread their messages.

Q2: How does EagleWings Online Radio's programming vary throughout the week?

A2: The station offers a unique musical experience each day: Sundays focus on worship with a variety of styles; Mondays blend Messianic and Contemporary Christian music; Tuesdays feature Gospel; Wednesdays offer Country, Bluegrass, and Southern Gospel; Thursdays are International Days showcasing global music; Fridays prepare listeners for Shabos with Messianic tunes; and Saturdays combine Shabbath devotionals with kids programming.

Q3: What opportunities does EagleWings Online Radio provide for Christian and Messianic artists?

A3: The station invites Christian and Messianic artists to share their faith through music. Artists can submit their music for consideration and potentially have their work featured on the station, providing a platform to reach a global audience.

Q4: How can listeners access EagleWings Online Radio?

A4: Listeners can tune in through TuneIn or use voice commands with Alexa devices. The station is accessible online, offering a convenient way for people worldwide to connect with its programming.

Q5: What is the significance of the distressed look of the EagleWings Online Radio logo?

A5: The vintage and distressed appearance of the logo evokes a sense of timelessness and enduring commitment. It symbolizes the idea that while technology evolves, the timeless messages of the Gospel and the ministry's principles remain constant.

Q6: How does EagleWings Online Radio's programming support its mission?

A6: The diverse programming supports the station's mission by providing a spiritual oasis where faith and music intertwine. It magnifies God's glory and inspires hearts through a variety of musical styles and thematic days, catering to different tastes and cultural backgrounds.

Q7: What role does EagleWings Online Radio play in the global Christian community?

A7: EagleWings Online Radio serves as a global stage for faith-filled melodies, creating a symphony of worship, love, and unity. It aims to transform lives and touch souls through music, reinforcing its commitment to spreading the Gospel and uniting believers worldwide.

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