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PodCasts Parashah 16 - 20

Category: Podcasts
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Table Talk (Thursday Evening Bible Study)   PodCastPodCasts
Erev Shabbath Service (Friday Evening Service)
All service times : 7:30 PM Centeral Time Music Styles : Messianic, Contemporary Christian, Gospel, Praise and Worship
Producer : 1st Lady Wilma
Presiding : Pastor Christiaan J. de Ruiter, Th.D. 

 PodCast Listing


 Date : February 10, 2017  Volume :  Vol. 01 - 04
 Week number :  16  Table Talk (Bible Study) : {play}/images/Audio/TT-POD-parashah16-20170210-Beshelach.mp3{/play}
Erev Shabbath (Friday Church Service) :  Not Available Due to Illness
Hebrew :   Beshelach
English :    When He let go
 Liturgy for the Erev Shabbath Service
   Line Item  Whom Description
   Opening Jingle EWCMI Shabbath Service Welcome
   Call to worship Joshua Aaron Shema
  Welcome 1st Lady
   Blessing of Messiah Derek Blumenthal Shabbath Liturgy - Blessing of Messiah
   Statement of Faith EWCMI  Congregational
  Vision Statement EWCMI
  Mission Statement EWCMI
  Messianic Song
  Shabbath Welcome 1st Lady Lighting of the Shabbath Candles
  Prayer of The Messiah Baruch Ha'Shem The Lords Prayer
  Shalom Aleichem Mark Zimmerman
  Blessing of the Wife Pastor Chris  Eishet Hayil
  Blessing of the Husband 1st Lady Psalm 112 the Blessing for the Husband
  Blessing of the Children 8th Day The Blessing over the Children
   CCM Song
   Kiddush Hagafen Derek Blumenthal Holy Communion
Pastor and 1st Lady Pouring of the Juice/Wine
  Kidush Hamotzi Derek Blumenthal Pastor and 1st Lady breaking of the bread
  Torah Blessing Mark Zimmerman Blessing Before the Torah Reading
  Torah Reading
  After Torah Blessing Mark Zimmerman Blessing After the Reading of the Torah
  Before Haftarah Reading Baruch Ha'Shem Blessing for the Haftarah Reading
  Haftarah Reading
  After Hafterah Blessing Baruch Ha'Shem Blessing for after the Haftarah Reading
   Brith Chadashah Reading
  After Brit Chadashah Blessing  Baruch Ha'Shem  Blessing after the reading of the Brit Chadashah (new testament)
  Weekly Teaching Pastor Chris
   Birkat Kohanim Pastor Chris Priestly Blessing
  Closing Song    
  Closing Jingle EWCMI EWCMi Exit jingle Pastor Chris This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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