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Parashah 42 - Mattot (Tribes)

Category: Parashah
Read Time: 8 mins
Hits: 1555

Weekly Parashah

Torah: Num 30:2-32:42 Haftara: 

Jer .2:4–28, 3:4

 Brith Chadashah: Mt. 23:1– 25:46
luke 13:1-9

Matot (Tribes)


Numbers 30:2 - 32:42



Whenever a man makes a vow to Adonai or swears an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he is not to violate his word but do everything coming out of his mouth.[a]

“Suppose a woman in her youth vows to Adonai or obligates herself by a pledge in her father’s house. If her father should hear her vow or her pledge with which she obligated herself and her father says nothing to her, all her vows and every pledge by which she has obligated herself will stand. But if her father should forbid it on the day of his hearing it, none of her vows or pledges by which she has obligated herself will stand. Adonai will forgive her because her father has forbidden her.

“Suppose she should marry, after her vow or a rash promise of her lips by which she obligated herself. Now if her husband hears about it but says nothing to her on the day he hears about it, her vows will stand and her pledges by which she has obligated herself will stand. But if her husband should hear about it and on the day he hears it he forbids it, he thereby nullifies her vow and her rash promise by which her lips have obligated her, and Adonai will forgive her.


 Jeremiah 2 : 4 – 28, 3:4


Hear the word of Adonai, O house of Jacob and all the families of the house of Israel. Thus says Adonai:

“What fault did your fathers find in Me
    that they strayed so far from Me?
They walked after worthless things,
    becoming worthless themselves?[a]
They did not ask ‘Where is Adonai,
    who brought us up from the land of Egypt
    and led us through the wilderness,
    through a land of deserts and rifts,
    through a land of drought and distress,
    through a land where no one travels,
        where no one lives?’
Yet I brought you into a fertile land,
        to eat of its fruit and goodness.
    When you came, you defiled My land.
    You made My heritage an abomination.
The kohanim did not ask,
        ‘Where is Adonai?’
    The Torah experts did not know Me.
    The shepherds rebelled against Me.
    The prophets prophesied by Baal
        and went after unprofitable things.
Therefore I will plead with you again!”
It is a declaration of Adonai.
    “I will contend with your children’s children.
10 Cross to the coasts of Kittim[b] and see!
    Send to Kedar, and observe carefully.
    See if there has been anything like this.
11 Has a nation changed its gods—
        even though they are not gods?
    Yet My people have exchanged their glory
    for worthless things.
12 Be appalled at this, O heavens!
    Be utterly horrified and dumbfounded.”

It is a declaration of Adonai.


 Matthew 23 : 1 – 25 : 46
Luke 13:1-9

Brit Chadashah


Seven Woes

23 Then Yeshua spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying, “The Torahscholars and Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses. So whatever they tell you, do and observe. But don’t do what they do; for what they say, they do not do. They tie up heavy loads, hard to carry,[a] and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves aren’t willing to lift a finger to move them. All their works they do to be noticed by men. They make their tefillin wide and their tzitziyot long. [bThey love the place of honor at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called rabbi by men.

“But you are not to be called rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man on earth your father; for One is your Father, who is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Messiah. 11 But the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.

Luke 13 : 1 - 9

13 Now there were some present at the same time who told Yeshua about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. He answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans are worse sinners than the rest of the Galileans because they have suffered these things? No, I tell you! But unless you repent, you all will perish the same way.

“Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and were killed, do you suppose that they are worse sinners than all the people living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you! But unless you repent, you all will perish the same way.

Then Yeshua began telling this parable: “A man had a fig tree he had planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, ‘Indeed, for three years I‘ve come searching for fruit on this fig tree and found none. Remove it! Why does it use up the ground?’

“But answering, the gardener said to him, ‘Master, leave it alone for this year also, until I dig around it and apply fertilizer. And if it bears fruit, good. But if not, cut it down.’”

Parashah in 60 seconds

Pastor Chris



Radio Logo

Category: Radio Front Page
Read Time: 3 mins
Hits: 1346

EagleWings Online Radio Logo

The introduction of the EagleWings Online Radio logo is a monumental moment that extends beyond a mere branding exercise. This emblem, richly layeredEagleWingsOnlineRadioLogo2024 300 with symbolism and intent, embodies the soul, vision, and unwavering dedication of EagleWings Online Radio, an important and integral ministry extension of Eagle Wings Charismatic Ministries International (EWCMI). Every element within this insignia has been thoughtfully created to resonate deeply with the core values and aspirations of the ministry.

The Circular Display

At its core, the circular form of the logo transcends mere aesthetic choice. It encapsulates the profound philosophy of unity, continuity, and wholeness. By adopting this universal shape, the logo speaks of a radio station that is not confined by geographical boundaries. Instead, it reaches out, touching the hearts and souls of believers across continents, cultures, and languages. This circle, representing our planet, becomes a symbol of global outreach, an emblematic hug that embraces every listener in its spiritual fold.

Radiating Beams

The radiant beams originating from the logo's core effectively symbolize the dual function of the station. Superficially, they represent the far-reaching and omnipresent nature of radio waves, seamlessly transmitting the Gospel's teachings and messages to even the most remote locales on Earth. But on a more profound level, these beams serve as a metaphor for the Holy Spirit's enlightening power, influencing hearts, directing souls, and guiding countless toward spiritual growth. Furthermore, these beams, unrestricted in their direction, signify the diverse array of musical styles and languages featured on EagleWings Online Radio, emphasizing the station's global reach.

Blue, Gold, and Orange

Color plays a crucial role in lending depth and meaning to the logo. The dominant royal blue is not merely a color but a tribute to the divine royalty of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. It serves as a constant reminder of His supreme reign, His benevolent rule that stretches across time and space. In contrast, the gold nuances emphasize His unparalleled purity, reminding us of the invaluable teachings He imparted. The vibrant shade of orange, reminiscent of a flame, captures the essence of the Holy Spirit - fiery, passionate, and transformative.

EagleWingsOnlineRadioLogo2024 300Eagle Wings

The eagle's wings, gracefully spanning the emblem, carry multifold meanings. They epitomize the expansive distribution and Proclamation of God's Word, soaring across barriers to touch myriad lives. Additionally, they serve as a comforting assurance of God's promise: His eternal protection, His unwavering vigilance, and His sheltering embrace that shields His followers from worldly tribulations.

A Microphone Invitation

Centered in this rich tapestry of symbols is the microphone. More than a broadcasting tool, it stands as an open invitation, a beacon for like-minded ministries and artists. It encourages them to join hands with EagleWings, to amplify their voices, and to spread their God-centered messages to an eager global audience.

A distressed look

The vintage and distressed appearance of the EagleWings Online Radio logo is a deliberate design choice, evoking a sense of timelessness and enduring commitment. Such a design choice resonates with the idea that while the medium of radio and technology may evolve, the timeless messages of the Gospel and the enduring principles of the ministry remain constant. This worn-out aesthetic also creates a nostalgic connection, reminiscent of the rich history and heritage of faith. By combining the modernity of online radio with a design that has an age-old feel, the logo beautifully bridges the past with the present, reflecting the ministry's dedication to preserving traditional values while embracing contemporary methods of outreach.

All with All

In totality, the EagleWings Online Radio logo is not just an emblem; it's a narrative. A story of faith, commitment, and divine purpose. It weaves together the station's past, present, and future, promising listeners a spiritual sanctuary and reaffirming its pledge to remain a beacon of hope, enlightenment, and unity in the world.





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